You will need:
- Sandpaper
- Crayons
- Cotton Fabric
- Iron (“No water” setting)
- Optional: Dowling to hang artwork
1. Cut sandpaper to preferred size. Cut cotton fabric larger than sandpaper to allow about a one inch border all around and 2-3 inches on top if making a hem for a dowling for hanging.
2. Color a design on sandpaper with crayons pressing firmly, creating a solid concentration of color. Strong solid shapes of color are key to success with this project.
3. Place fabric on a piece of scrap paper. Position sandpaper face down on fabric and press firmly down with iron on cotton setting, moving iron continuously. It is possible to re-iron if needed in specific areas.
4. Cut dowling about a half inch beyond width of fabric so a string can be tied on each end for hanging.
5. Notes:
- Fine sandpaper works best in achieving better details on drawing.
- Remember the image printed will be the reverse of the original drawing.